
Casia 2 dataset pdf

Casia 2 dataset pdf. Jan 23, 2021 · This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such. Jun 1, 2013 · The real face datasets are comprised of the CBSR NIR Face Dataset [23], CASIA NIR-VIS 2. Mar 19, 2023 · 3. Figure 1,2,3 and 4 shows sample image from Columbia Color, CASIA 1. generated the corresponding Groundtruth in a 2019 paper contributed 2. Chalearn CASIA-SURF is a face Anti-spoofing dataset which consists of 1, 000 subjects and 21, 000 video clips with 3 modalities (RGB, Depth, IR). ‍. According to the source of these documents, the database is divided into two CASIA 手写汉字简介. 0 and CASIA V2. 0 Image Tampering Detection Dataset. Specifically, it consists of 1, 000 subjects with 21, 000 videos and each sample has 3 modalities (i. An additional part of the database contains three images per class. It is a large-scale and multi-modal dataset for face anti-spoofing, consisting of 492, 522 im-ages with 3 modalities (i. This section discusses the dataset employed by researchers for the detection of image splicing forgery. 5 mm distal to the implant to approx. 4% on CASIA-B under bag Dataset Location. Many researchers had focused this subject to consider for a new recognition system. 3+ billion citations. Introduced by Zhiwei Zhang et al. 0 is a dataset for Image Tampering Detection Evaluation, which was published by Jing Dong et al in 2013. 0 database (J. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Other datasets with similar acquisition conditions include Oulu-CASIA NIR-VIS [15], BUAA-VisNir [13], and HFB [17], but they contain fewer subjects (80, 150, and 100, respec-tively). 1. The (either online or offline) datasets of isolated characters contain about 3. The full datasets of CASIA-HWDB1. 6 images for each subject. Human Gait as the recognition object is the famous biometrics system recently. However, mistakenly classified files are renamed as follows. On OS X and Linux, datasets are stored in ~/CASIA_data. e. 2 has missing training writer of template V2-T9, and the HWDB2. 6. With Nov 1, 2016 · The Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) will provide the CASIA online Database freely of charge to writer identification researchers in order to promote research. All the subjects and the achieves an average rank-1 accuracy of 95. Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from CASIA 2. 2 Extracting log data (Fig. Dec 2, 2018 · Face anti-spoofing is essential to prevent face recognition systems from a security breach. 4. cpp. Face anti-spoofing is essential to prevent face recognition systems from a security breach. The traditional methods such as signature and recognition based on knowledge do not meet the safety requirements due to the ease of forging and stealing them, as biometric technologies have emerged as an alternative to them due to Dec 14, 2010 · 2. 本数据库经签约授权后可免费用于学术研究目的,但用于商业目的需付费 Oct 17, 2022 · samples in CA SIA v1. The latter contains around 170000 images divided into 500 identities while all the other images belong to the remaining 8631 classes available for training. Name and Image Collection Dataset for face recognition only need two kinds of data: face image and identity. (Fig. In this article, we introduce a newly built big outdoor gait dataset, called CASIA-E. Jun 5, 2023 · CASIA-B: The most popular ga it dataset, CASIA-B, provides multi-view g ait data from 124 individuals in the f orm o f b oth RGB and silhouettes [7]. 17% for Columbia dataset. 30,000 A-scans/s) and a higher transverse resolution (800 A-scans/B-scan vs. CASIA-HWDB 和 CASIA-OLHWDB 数据库简称为 CASIA。. W ith 18-degree increments, 11 Dec 2, 2018 · Request PDF | CASIA-SURF: A Dataset and Benchmark for Large-scale Multi-modal Face Anti-spoofing | Face anti-spoofing is essential to prevent face recognition systems from a security breach. , RGB, Depth and NIR) using an Intel Re-alSense SR300 camera, and proposes a multi-modal multiscale fusion Oct 23, 2017 · In this paper, we introduce a new large-scale face dataset named VGGFace2. 1. SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 4. 6 million samples contributed by more than A toolbox of OCR models, algorithms, and pipelines based on MindSpore - mindspore-lab/mindocr Mar 28, 2019 · Hi @zzzkk2009 I want to download the casia-surf dataset. 2 CASIA 2. 0 datasets are achieved respectively in detection accuracy by the proposed method in comparison to best Please cite the following papers in your publications if it helps your research: @article{zhang2020casia, title={Casia-surf: A large-scale multi-modal benchmark for face anti-spoofing}, author={Zhang, Shifeng and Liu, Ajian and Wan, Jun and Liang, Yanyan and Guo, Guodong and Escalera, Sergio and Escalante, Hugo Jair and Li, Stan Z}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and CASIA v1. of images. ments on the proposed CASIA-SURF dataset. Oct 9, 2011 · Experimental results show that the baseline feature set is better for the classification of arousal and power dimensions, while the reduced feature set are better forThe other affective dimensions, and the average performance of AdaBoost slightly outperforms SVMs in the authors' experiment. CASIA-WebFace Dataset 3. Table 1 shows a summary of image splicing datasets used in image splicing forgery detection. Casia ss- oct ( casia 2) is a non- contact scan of the front of the eye with higher resolution and provides deeper, wider and three- dimensional views. The summary of datasets used has been given in Table 1. if you are on a macintosh, hold down your mouse button. The database was built by annotating 11,937 pages of Chinese ancient handwritten documents. An additional part of the database contains three im-ages per class. g. The experimental results show that 0. Way 1: Download it from our FTP. 0 dataset, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) NIR Face Dataset, CBSR NIR Face Dataset, IIT Kh NIR Face Dataset and HITSZ Lab1 and Lab2 Datasets. Feb 11, 2020 · Extensive cross-database experiments on both lab-controlled datasets (CK+, JAFFE, MMI, and Oulu-CASIA) and real-world databases (AffectNet, FER2013, RAF-DB 2. These results represent new state-of-the-art recog-nition accuracy. CASIA-FASD. actors, athletes, politicians). image “001_1_1. Download : Download high-res image (247KB) Download : Download full-size image; Fig. 0 dataset, 99. It contains more than one thousand people distributed over near one million videos. 2) and three for handwritten texts (DB2. A new forgery image dataset with a thorough subjective evaluation in detecting manipulated images, considering various parameters is presented, which revealed that the accuracy of manipulated image detection was affected by various factors, such as user type, image quantity, tampering method, and image resolution. The core part of the database contains 3,000 images, one image per class for 750 males and 750 females. Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from casia dataset. Two datasets from CASIA V3-Interval database are used, the first set is Some of the subjects in the CASIA NIR-VIS 2. CASIA-SURF. 0 and CASIA v2. Aug 28, 2019 · To facilitate face anti-spoofing research, we introduce a large-scale multi-modal dataset, namely CASIA-SURF, which is the largest publicly available dataset for face anti-spoofing in terms of both subjects and modalities. Get an in-depth demonstration of our different CASIA2 applications explained by Kathrin Benedikt. In contrast, the images that constitute the unconstrained or in-the-wild databases are either downloaded directly from Aug 28, 2019 · A large-scale multi-modal dataset, namely CASIA-SURF, is introduced, which is the largest publicly available dataset for face anti-spoofing in terms of both subjects and visual modalities and a new multi- modal fusion method is presented, which performs feature re-weighting to select the more informative channel features while suppressing the less useful ones for each modal. Compared to isolated characters datasets, the handwritten text dataset OLHWDB2. Replay-Attack [7] and CASIA-FASD [53] are two widely used PAD datasets. Thanks. 3) The confirmation screen listing the log data opens on the desktop. III. The CASIA2 provides an impressive user experience with intuitive operation and automation, supported by an unbelievable measurement speed. 31 million images of 9131 subjects, with an average of 362. 31 million images divided into 9131 classes, each representing a different person identity. To facilitate face anti-spoofing research, we introduce a large-scale multi-modal dataset, namely CASIA-SURF, which is the largest publicly available dataset for In Benchmark 2, we evaluate our method on WMCA (W) [11], CASIA-CeFA (C) [26,25], and CASIA-SURF (S) [67, 68], which are largescale FacePAD datasets involving a larger number of samples and . F 1 INTRODUCTION G AIT, defined as the way people walk, contains relevant cues about human subjects [1]. Introduced by Zhang et al. On various complex scenarios, our model exhibits a significant level of robustness. These accuracies are significantly higher than those obtained by some state-of-the-art methods. View in full-text. Dataset A- Dataset A is having 20 persons. arXiv. These datasets have been divided into 80% training set and 20% testing set and achieved an overall highest accuracy of 95% Page 73: Extracting Log Data. CASIA-IrisV3 contains a total of 22,035 iris images from more than 700 subjects. 5. Read full-text. correctly identified the tempered images with an average accuracy of 59% Jul 28, 2013 · Download full-text PDF Read full-text. 0 dataset to wor k with, we chose CASIA v2. 0 dataset, and 100% in detecting forgery on the CUISDE Sep 18, 2011 · Both the online samples and offline samples are divided into six datasets, three for isolated characters (DB1. 0 and Oulu CASIA which are considered to be the largest and the most challenging publicly available datasets. 0, 96. Jul 13, 2020 · PDF Project. 0-C2. 256 A-scans/B-scan) for If the issue persists, it's likely a problem on our side. Related work 2. Originally, it was reported that there are 5123 tampered images, including 3274 copy-move images and 1849 spliced images. 2 can be downloaded at here. The Oulu-CASIA NIR-VIS dataset was designed Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from casia dataset Tomey casia 2 manual. Way 2: Provide your UPS or FedEx Account in your request e-mail, then request the package delivery company (such as FedEx or UPS) to take the CASIA GAIT database DVDs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first dataset to extend FAS research to real-world scenarios. This paper proposes an end to end light CNN architecture that performs face recognition in the NIR spectrum and has given higher accuracies for CASIA NIR VIS 2. EP-1000 Multifocal. 0 Face Database [24] and Oulu-CASIA [25], whereas the fake face datasets are constructed in-house. , 2017a). Apr 1, 2021 · ND-Gender-From-Iris-Dataset (ND-GFI) [123] is a database combined with the gender information about the subjects. 4-lamp were used, which are popular iris datasets and widely adopted to evaluate the iris recognition system [299]. 2. Watch on. 0-2. Brief Descriptions and Statistics of the Database. It consists of more than 2. org e-Print archive Dec 14, 2022 · CASIA-A dataset is considered for the experimental work. CASIA 2. If you want to save the data in a diffent location, specify a path when you create the CASIA object. However, existing face anti-spoofing benchmarks have limited number of subjects (≤170) and modalities (≤2), which hinder the further development of the academic community. 12. CASIA Ver. tomey as oct casia 2 oct. A. However, existing face anti-spoofing benchmarks have limited Download scientific diagram | The details of the CASIA 1. 3. it beats the idap replay attack dataset as well. 2% and 70. , RGB, Depth and IR). Last two frames are from CASIA dataset C (infra-red dataset) and others are from set A and set B follow, follow and gather, meet and part, meet and gather, overtake [132]. We randomly sample 50 pages and 50 text lines from each of the test sets of IAM and CASIA-HWDB for evaluation. We create Dec 2, 2022 · This chapter introduces deep learning methods especially convolutional neural network (CNN) models, ResNet-50, and MobileNetv2 for tampering detection. Each person involves 26 view angles and varied appearances caused by changes of bag carrying, dressing and walking styles. Unexpected token < in JSON at position 4. 2 [28] are two series of systematically-built large-scale datasets for offline and online character recognition, respectively. Table 1 shows the detailed differences between the CASIA_v1 and CASIA_v2 datasets. FACIAL DATASETS Most of the state-of-the-art facial recognition systems, in-cluding FaceNet and ArcFace, are trained on large-scale image datasets collected from a variety of online sentation from large scale dataset. in A face antispoofing database with diverse attacks. Much Jan 1, 2021 · For example, Zhang et al. PDF. 0–1. 2). face payment, etc. 3% in detecting forgery on the CASIA 2. datasets, we introduce the Wild Face Anti-Spoofing Dataset (WFAS), a large-scale FAS dataset collected in the wild. datasets, MBGC, UBIRIS V2. 0, and 94. CASIA 的使用需要遵循申请书 CASIA-HWDB 和 CASIA-OLHWDB ,而数据集的下载请访问 CASIA Online and Offline Chinese Handwriting Databases 。. 1 contains a total If the issue persists, it's likely a problem on our side. Datasets for Image Splicing i. Jul 1, 2013 · We call this database CASI-A Image Tampering Detection Evaluation Database. 0 dataset for our expe riment. The videos are captured across five months and across Nov 1, 2007 · Left eye images of the CASIA dataset Ver. As shown in Fig 1 and Table 1, our dataset has two advantages: (1) It is the largest one in term of number of subjects and videos; (2) Our dataset has three However, existing face anti-spoofing benchmarks have limited number of subjects ( ≤ 170 ) and modalities ( ≤ 2 ), which hinder the further development of the academic community. Each person has 12 images with 3 different directions (45°, 90° and parallel to view plane). The dataset is divided into two splits, one for the training and one for test. 21% improvements on CASIA V1. On Windows, they're saved in the CASIA_data in your home directory. TLDR. SCUT-COUCH2009 database [29] is for unconstrained online character recognition; it contains 11 subsets of isolated characters and 3. CASIA Gait Dataset The Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences has provided this dataset. Oct 21, 2011 · Both the online samples and offline samples are divided into six datasets, three for isolated characters (DB1. The institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) provides the CASIA Gait Database to gait recognition and related researchers in order to promote the research. Our software guides you through measurement, analysis and the final report. 4 Some sample images for CASIA gait dataset. The (either online or offline Mar 11, 2020 · Download file PDF Read file. Even the recently released SiW [32] dataset, collected with high resolution image quality, only contains RGB data. (Parallel, 45 degrees and 90 degrees to the image plane). Apr 14, 2022 · People who download the original dataset (before 2021/04/20) please rename the tampered images using the commands in the excel files. However, this dataset is lack of the groundtruth images comparing to other Image Tampering Detection Datasets. Download full-text PDF. Gait recognition plays a special role in visual Jun 15, 2022 · Moreover, most existing large-scale gait datasets are collected indoors, which have few challenges from real scenes, such as the dynamic and complex background clutters, illumination variations, vertical view variations, etc. Context 8. Kaggle is the world’s largest data science community with powerful tools and resources to help you achieve your data science goals. Slit Lamp. 2 Concatenation model for CASIA-B dataset. 2 million annotated handwritten character samples of 10,350 categories. IMDb is a well structured website containing rich 160+ million publication pages. However, existing face anti-spoofing benchmarks have limited number of subjects ($\\le\egmedspace170$) and modalities ($\\leq\egmedspace2$), which hinder the further development of the Fig. 2 Handwritten text recognition Dataset To evaluate GPT-4V’s capability in handwritten text recognition, we employ two commonly used handwritten datasets: IAM [72] (in English) and CASIA-HWDB [73] (in Chinese). 0 dataset is made up of 7492 original images and 5124 altered images o f dif ferent formats. 0, and CASIA-Iris-Distance. Specifically, it consists of subjects with videos and each sample has modalities (i. 0-C1. our software guides you easily from measuring through analysis to the final. Dataset for face anti-spoofing in terms of both subjects and modalities. Introduction. 95 µm using bilinear interpolation. Download citation. In the case of the CASIA-B dataset, the structure of phase one is the same as that of phase one in CASIA-A, while phase two contains five fully connected layers with sizes 1024, 512, 100, 8, and 4 because it is a deeper network than CASIA-A. On the other hand, in the CASIA gait database there are three different datasets: Dataset A, Dataset B (multi-view dataset Oct 30, 2020 · Different from the first generation (CASIA SS-1000), it offers a faster scan-speed (50,000 vs. Images are downloaded from Google Image Search and have large variations in pose, age, illumination, ethnicity and profession (e. Jul 6, 2013 · 2023. The ground truth images are taken from the CASIA image tampering detection evaluation (ITDE) v1. Each person has 12 image sequences and 4 sequences for each of the three directions. CASIA-IrisV3 includes three subsets which are labeled as CASIA-Iris-Interval, CASIA-Iris-Lamp, CASIA-Iris-Twins. bmp” from the CASIA version 1. In CASIA dataset there are 3 datasets A, B and C. No. Dec 1, 2020 · CASIA-OLHWDB1. While constructing the The proposed model achieved an accuracy of 99. Jun 23, 2013 · TLDR. 0. The VGGFace2 dataset is made of around 3. But I don't know how to download it. generated the corresponding Groundtruth in a 2019 paper contributed it to Github. CASIA2 Customized scan. Our address is: Hongyu Liang, Room 1212, Zhongguancun East Road 95#, Haidian District, Beijing, 100080, China. To solve the problem, Nam Thanh Pham et al. [11] collects a CASIA-SURF dataset with 3 modalities (i. Here are three example files (download the files), one file for each dataset, and you can view them using this software (download the software) developed by us. 0 has a missing test writer of template V2-T3. The authors discuss limitations of the . Datasets Most of existing face anti-spoofing datasets only con-tain the RGB modalitiy. 0-1. The distribution of templates in (either online or offline) datasets DB1. 19% for CASIA v1. 1 Excerpt. There are many useful face datasets available such as CelebA [9], CASIA webfaces [10], Labeled faces in the wild (LFW) [11] and VGGFace2 [12], to name a few, for the application of face detection/recognition. The CASIA-SURF dataset. pdf. Our dataset comprises 853,729 images of 321,751 spoof subjects and 529,571 images of 148,169 live subjects, significantly in- CASIA V2 dataset. CASIA-FASD is a small face anti-spoofing dataset containing 50 subjects. CASIA-HWDB2. Results and Conclusion In this paper, we sugested a new approach for data augmen-tation to counter the problem of small publicly available datasets for image forgery. It achieves accura-cies of 87. In addition, this dataset contains CASIA_v1 and CASIA_v2 for the image tampering detection evaluation database. Copy link Link copied. Much of the progresses have been made by the availability of face anti-spoofing benchmark datasets in recent years. 0% on the CASIA-B gait dataset and an 87. from publication: A New Method to Detect Splicing Image Forgery Using Convolutional Neural Network Jun 15, 2022 · This article introduces a newly built big outdoor gait dataset, called CASIA-E, which contains more than one thousand people distributed over near one million videos and reports an experimental benchmark, which examines the influence of million-level training videos, vertical view angles, walking styles, and the thermal infrared modality. With the pronounced need for reliable personal identification, iris recognition has become an important enabling technology in our society. 0, 81% o n WildWeb, and 86% on Columbia Gray. 1) 1) Open the “General” tab on the System Setup screen and tap the “System Version” button (1). The F1 Score of the proposed m ethod on MISD was 67%, 64% on CASIA 1. CASIA v2. Download the separated subsets below. Tap the “Output Log” button (2). 0 This paper introduces a Chinese Ancient Handwritten Characters Database (CASIA-AHCDB) for character recognition research. 3,5100 μm 2 in the region widened by the expander was measured using an ultrahigh resolution OCT system (Werkmeister et al. Electrophysiology. 0 dataset wore glasses that acted as a form of facial occlusion. The experimental results show that the accuracy rate of the proposed method are 94. 1 and Ver. An example C++ code for reading images from *gnt file is given in GntRead. Randomly crawling face images from Internet and annotating them is nearly an impossible mission. if you need to have a larger dataset, then have a look at Celeb Spoof dataset its a 70+GB of images, and you can readily download it. Source: Learning Generalizable and Identity-Discriminative Representations for Face Anti-Spoofing. For constrained databases, the samples in the dataset are captured under con-trolled or prescribed imaging conditions and device configura-tions. Oct 31, 2023 · Large-scale face Anti-spoofing dataset. 1% accuracy on the OU-MVLP gait dataset. 1 is used to generate all the color images for the tampered database. Download the whole database (1. The recently published CASIA-SURF dataset is the largest dataset that consists of 1000 subjects and 21000 video clips with 3 modalities (RGB, Depth and IR). The dataset contains 3. 0 Dataset from publication: Image forgery detection using Deep Neural Network | Due Jan 23, 2021 · The proposed SwinIris Transformer-based iris recognition system is composed of four modules, namely, the eye detection, iris detection, iris segmentation, and iris classification modules, which has a competitive iris classification accuracy when compared to various academic state-of-the-art methodologies. MaskTheFace can be used to convert these existing datasets into masked-face dataset which can then be used to train an efficient deep Oct 8, 2021 · CASIA2 Customized scan. Download scientific diagram | Images from the CASIA V2. 0 data set, displayed as distributed by CASIA. CASIA stands for Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is a standard gait dataset that contains 19139 images [ 14 ]. 86GB) OR. 0, and SFEW 2. 0 for experiments. 2 and CASIA-HWDB1. 2) 2) The version information details are displayed. We presented evaluation over different feature extraction mod-els. Dec 2, 2018 · A Dataset and Benchmark for Large-scale Multi-modal Face Anti-spoofing. 0, and Columbia color. 0) demonstrate that our ECAN can yield competitive performances across various cross-dataset facial expression recognition tasks and outperform the state-of-the-art methods. on CASIA-Webface, Visual Geometry Group Face Dataset 2 (VGGFace2) [5] and a curated and tightly-cropped-to-faces version of MS1MV0 [1] for comparison purposes. All iris images are 8 bit gray-level JPEG files, collected under near infrared illumination. With Nov 30, 2021 · The performance of the proposed method has been analyzed on Oulu-CASIA NIR-VIS Face Dataset, CASIA NIR- VIS 2. 0, and CUISDE datasets. Get inspired now and see the eye from a different perspective. Image (c) is from the more recent CASIA data set and shows the specular highlights from the sentation from large scale dataset. 2 is shown in Table V, and DB2. 9 million samples of 7,356 classes (7,185 Chinese characters and 171 symbols), and the datasets of D. Refresh. Jan 26, 2022 · Each dataset was rescaled and resampled to the same dimension of 4 mm by 4 mm laterally and 2 mm axially, with an isotropic pixel size of 1. To facilitate face anti-spoofing research, we introduce a large-scale multi-modal dataset, namely CASIA-SURF, which is the largest publicly available dataset for face Intro. 27% and 0. 0, CASIA 2. As a result, it has been widely used in different application areas such as affect analysis [2], [3], Apr 8, 2018 · An increase in mean lumen area from 4,900 μm 2 at a distance 1. However, these face recognition systems are prone to be attacked in various ways, including print attack, video replay attack and 2D/3D mask attack, which Something went wrong and this page crashed! If the issue persists, it's likely a problem on our side. 2 have the same partitioning. May 17, 2022 · The modified CASIA dataset is created for research topics like: perceptual image hash, image tampering detection, user-device physical unclonable function and so on. We describe the purpose, the design criterion, the organization and self-evaluation of this database in this paper. Could you give the website to download the dataset or tell me how to download it. 0, CASIA v2. 1% in detecting forgery on the CASIA 1. CASIA_v1 contains 1721 color images, and CASIA_v2 contains 12,323 color images. In this dataset images of 20 persons are captured. One of the important advantage in this recognition compare to other Nov 23, 2021 · 82% on Multiple Image Splicing Dataset, 74% on CASIA 1. Index Terms—Gait Recognition, Deep Learning, Gait Datasets, Body Representations, Temporal Representation, Feature Representation. In the CASIA online handwriting Database there are three datasets: Dataset 1 (Chinese database) , Dataset 2 (English database) and Dataset 3 (Chinese and Feb 12, 2020 · The competition was based on a newly collected large-scale multi-modal face anti-spoofing dataset, namely, CASIA-SURF [22, 23], which consists of 1,000 subjects and 21,000 video clips in three ND-Gender-From-Iris-Dataset (ND-GFI) [123] is a database com-bined with the gender information about the subjects. Eg: dataset = CASIA (path="/CASIA_data") Nov 13, 2018 · the casia-fasd dataset is is simply too limited/unusable for any practical reasons. We also outlined a novel unsu-pervised learning approach to detect CMF in images. This paper introduces the CASIA audio emotion recognition method for the audio sub-challenge of Audio Nov 11, 2021 · Adobe Photoshop CS3 version 10. Dong, et. IMDb is a well structured website containing rich With the development of technology, recognition has become now a very important and main thing due to the large number of fraud and forgery operations that occur. Two datasets are used—CASIA v1. 0 and WildWeb dataset. in CASIA-SURF: A Large-scale Multi-modal Benchmark for Face Anti-spoofing. al, CASIA image tampering detection evaluation database, ChinaSIP2013), which contains images from eight TSL-4000Z. In the CASIA Gait Database there are three datasets: Dataset A, Dataset B (multiview dataset) and Dataset C (infrared dataset). Dataset A (former NLPR Gait Database) was Oct 26, 2011 · This paper will analyze the CASIA Gait Dataset in order to see their characteristics and use 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) to reduce and extract the feature. Image (b) is the same image, but with the circular region of constant intensity in the pupil area displayed in white so as to make the editing obvious. To soleving the problem, Nam Thanh Pham et al. 61% for CASIA v2. (2) unconstrained or in the wild databases. pt yf dj qn gw kf oy nm rj ms